How to determine the last observation in a data set

Determine the last observation in a data set

Use the END= option on a SET statement to determine the last observation of the data set.

/* Create sample data */
data company;
input division :$12. employees;
sales 150
support 200
research 250
accounting 50
shipping 35
; run;

/* Calculate the total number of employees in each group. */
/* On the last observation of the data set, write out the */
/* resulting total. */

data _null_;
set company end=last;
file print;
/* Sum statement syntax has an implied RETAIN */
total + employees;
/* For every iteration of the step, write out the values for */
put @1 division @15 employees;
/* On the last iteration of the step only, write out 4 dashes */
/* starting at column 15, move the internal pointer to the next */
/* line and at column 15 write out the value of TOTAL. */

if last then put @15 '----' / @15 total;

sales 150
support 200
research 250
accounting 50
shipping 35


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