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SAS Display Manager Commands

In my view, Display Manager commands didn’t get much attention of SAS programmers as they should be. It may be because...

1) SAS Documentation has very little information about how to use this facility.
2) Even Google searches aren’t helpful enough.

Here is the list of Display Manager Commands I know…

dm"log; clear; out; clear;";*Clears Output and Log Window;
dm "vt work.dsn" ; *Opens the dataset DSN in a View table window;
dm "vt &syslast"; *Opens the dataset recently created;
dm 'next viewtable:work.dsn; end;';*Closes the VT window of DSN;
dm 'keydef f12 submit';*Assigns the submit command to the F12 key ;
*Assigns clear log and output commands to F2 Key;
dm "keydef F2 'cle log; cle output; submit'";
*applies detail view to explorer window;
dm  "next explorer; detail";

dm "next log; detail"; *Opens the Log Window;
dm "next output; detail"; *Opens the output Window;
dm "next editor; detail"; *Opens the Editor window;
dm 'next VIEWTABLE:; end;'; *Closes all opened viewtable windows;

dm 'odsresults' clear ; * Clears the Results window;
dm 'log off'*Closes the LOG window;

dm "VT libname.dataset COLHEADING=NAMES";

VT=View Table.
COLHEADING=NAMES option displays column names as column headings instead of column labels which is default.

read more about DEXPORT and DIMPORT DM commands:

dm: Display Manager
vt: View Table
keydef: Key Definition


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