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David Franklin's SAS Tips


November - Looping the loop with DO loops
October - The Use and Abuse of the NODUPKEY option in the SORT Procedure
September - Comparing all datasets in one directory against all the datasets in a second dataset, using CALL EXECUTE
August - Selecting data for a particular month
July - I am missing a '0' in front of my day value, can SAS still read it okay? (or can SAS read a text date of '6JUN2009' correctly)
June - Prefixing a value with '+' or '-'
May - Why use dataset variable labels?
April - More on using a FORMAT to merge data
March - Delete all datasets in a library, except ...
February - Getting rid of the message "NOTE: BASE data set does not exist. DATA file is being copied to BASE file."
January - SUM(OF variables)


December - Making a copy of a SAS dataset, Part 2
November - How would I set only character or numeric variables of an observation to missing?
October - Making a copy of a SAS dataset, Part 1
September - Character to Numeric Conversion
August - Numeric to Character Conversion
July - How would I set all variables of an observation to missing?
June - Making a SAS Transport File
May - Creating a Batch File
April - Transposing the data and label
March - Get a listing of all the SAS programs for a particular directory
February - Enclosing a negative value within brackets
January - Stripping (text)


December - The CALL MISSING Routine
November - The MISSING function
October - Renaming a SAS dataset variable
September - Since when does a null string have a length of 1?
August - I just received a dataset with the dates in dd/mm/yy format but I want them in mm/dd/yy format for my report
July - The COLLATE function
May - What SAS modules are on your system, and how to work around those that are missing
April - Removing labels and formats from all variables inside a dataset
March - Deleting old datasets using a date
February - The trig functions
January - FLOOR, CEIL, ROUND and INT


December - Creating a graph using ODS RTF
November - Using the DHMS function to create a datetime value
October - Using CARDS or DATALINES to input data
September - FORMCHAR
August - Does the string contain a number?
June - Why use DATA _NULL_
May - Does x+y = SUM(x,y), revisited
April - Six ways to make your program run faster
March - SQL and the CALCULATED keyword
February - TRIM and TRIMN
January - Four Common Ways to Merge Two Datasets


December - The CANCEL option in the RUN command
November - The DIM function for repeating the same action of different variables
October - The COMPARE function
September - Getting the last word in a string using SAS or Excel
August - Using SASHELP.VMACRO to view your macro variables, and %SYMDEL to delete them
July - Deleting a SAS dataset, revisited
June - Using PROC CHART to do a quick frequency analysis
May - The Variance results from SAS and Excel are different!
April - Finding a duplicate key record, Part II
March - The 2005 Conference Season begins
February - Sometimes, overwriting a dataset does not replace it
January - How does SAS store your date and/or time?


December - Does x+y = SUM(x,y)?
November - An example of some unexpected results
October - Does a macro variable exist in your program?
September - Adding a value to an existing format
August - Common Mathematical Operators
July - Getting the background color from an Excel Worksheet cell
June - BYTE/RANK (this is not eating a hamburger)
May - The 2004 Conference Season begins
April - Getting a Cell Comment inside an Excel Worksheet
March - Finding a duplicate key record
February - FIRSTOBS=, OBS=
January - A BAT to create a Backup of your file


December - SAS and Excel do not compute the same quartile value
November - Using a format to group basic statistical analysis
October - Coding a missing value
September - Sometimes your System Command Call within SAS does not work
August - COMPRESS or COMPBL, that is the question
July - Placing Unique values from a dataset into a macro variable
June - Share your datasets with others, consider the SASViewer
April - Deleting a SAS dataset
March - Helping a SORT run faster
February - To avoid confusion, define the variables you create in a datastep
January - Introduction/Have a notebook handy


In the spirit of transparency and innovation, I want to share that some of the content on this blog is generated with the assistance of ChatGPT, an AI language model developed by OpenAI. While I use this tool to help brainstorm ideas and draft content, every post is carefully reviewed, edited, and personalized by me to ensure it aligns with my voice, values, and the needs of my readers. My goal is to provide you with accurate, valuable, and engaging content, and I believe that using AI as a creative aid helps achieve that. If you have any questions or feedback about this approach, feel free to reach out. Your trust and satisfaction are my top priorities.