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CALL EXECUTE: Easy way to print or sort multiple files.

When printing multiple files, or sorting multiple datasets, the traditional method is to write multiple steps as below.

Proc print; var _all_; run;
Proc print data=libref.conmed; var _all_; run;
Proc print data=libref.demog; var _all_; run;
Proc print data=libref.lab; var _all_; run;

Proc print data=libref.medhist; var _all_; run;
If you are like me who likes to simplify the traditional SAS code here is the tip. CALL EXECUTE comes to rescue here.

*Using Disctionary Tables and Call Execute;
proc sql;
create table dsn as select distinct memname from dictionary.tables
where libname="LIBREF" and memtype="DATA";

*Sorts all the datasets using Call Execute;
data _null_;
set dsn;
call execute ("proc sort data=final.||'memname||';by usubjid; run;");

*Prints all the datasets using Call Execute;
data _null_;
set dsn;
call execute ("proc print data=final.||'trim(memname)||';var _all_; run;");

*Using Proc Contents and Call Execute;
proc contents data=libref._all_ out=contents(keep=memname);

*Create a macro variable memname with list of all the datasets; 
proc sql;
select distinct memname into:memname from contents;
%put memname;

*Sorts all the datasets using Call Execute;
data _null_;
set dsn;
call execute ("proc sort data=libref.||'trim(memname)||';by usubjid; run;");

*Prints all the datasets using Call Execute;
data _null_;
set dsn;
call execute ("proc print data=libref.||'trim(memname)||';var _all_; run;");

*Using SASHELP Views and Call Execute to sort the dataset by usubjid;

*Sorts all the datasets using Call Execute;
data _null_;
set sashelp.vtable (where=(libname="LIBREF"));
call execute("proc sort data=libref.||'trim(memname)||';by usubjid;run;");

*Prints all the datasets using Call Execute;
data _null_;
set sashelp.vtable (where=(libname="LIBREF"));
call execute("proc print data=libref.||'trim(memname)||';by _all_;run;");

*If you are not printing/sorting all the datasets in the library here is code for that.The Following code only prints 4 datasets (AE, Conmed, Demog , Lab and Medhist);

data _null_;
do dsname='ae', 'conmed', 'demog', 'lab', 'medhist';
call execute("Proc print data=libref.||'trim(dsname))||'; var _all_; run;");


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