
Showing posts with the label David Franklin's SAS Tips

David Franklin's SAS Tips

2009 November - Looping the loop with DO loops October - The Use and Abuse of the NODUPKEY option in the SORT Procedure September - Comparing all datasets in one directory against all the datasets in a second dataset, using CALL EXECUTE August - Selecting data for a particular month July - I am missing a '0' in front of my day value, can SAS still read it okay? (or can SAS read a text date of '6JUN2009' correctly) June - Prefixing a value with '+' or '-' May - Why use dataset variable labels? April - More on using a FORMAT to merge data March - Delete all datasets in a library, except ... February - Getting rid of the message "NOTE: BASE data set does not exist. DATA file is being copied to BASE file." January - SUM(OF variables) 2008 December - Making a copy of a SAS dataset, Part 2 November - How would I set only character or numeric variables of an observation to missing? October - Making a copy of a SAS dataset, ...