
Showing posts with the label SAS Array

How to upcase all character variables in a SAS dataset

To upcase all character variables in a SAS dataset, you can use a DATA step with the UPCASE() function in combination with the VARNUM() and VARNAME() functions to iterate through all variables. Here's an example: data upcased_dataset; set original_dataset; array _char_vars _character_; /* Create an array of all character variables */ do i = 1 to dim(_char_vars); _char_vars[i] = upcase(_char_vars[i]); /* Convert each variable to uppercase */ end; drop i; run; Explanation: array _char_vars _character_; creates an array _char_vars that includes all character variables in the dataset. The do i = 1 to dim(_char_vars); loop iterates through each character variable in the array. _char_vars[i] = upcase(_char_vars[i]); applies the UPCASE() function to each character variable, converting it to uppercase. drop i; removes the temporary index variable i from the final dataset. Replace original_dataset with the name of your d...