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SAS free study tutorials

Data step: getting started 1: windows SAS code getting started 2: data step SAS code automatic _N_ variable SAS code drop & delete SAS code formating: dates and numbers SAS code date sal.txt (also see the format procedure below to create your own formats) functions SAS code import: Bringing in data from Excel SAS code Excel import file Excel export file text file input : length statement SAS code infile opti ons.txt long SAS code long.txt missing data SAS code output option SAS code pointers SAS code ex7.txt ex8.txt ex9.txt more about pointers SAS code pointers.SAS ex10.txt missover & delimiter SAS code delimiter.txt more on the delimiter SAS code retain SAS code set SAS code simulations: random numbers SAS code sum SAS code statistical functions SAS code Logic: do loops SAS code more about do loops SAS code nested do loops SAS code if then statements SAS code score.txt Combining Data sets: concatenating and interleaving ...