Why SAS? SAS is software where in they can use it in their domain and it is comparitively easy to learn as SAS® is neither a menu-driven nor a command driven application. Rather it relies on user-written scripts or “programs” that are processed when requested to know what to do. Because it is a script-based application, the key to being successful using SAS is learning the rule and tricks of writing scripts. • Can process large data set(s) • Easy to cope with multiple variables • Can track all the operations on the data set(s) • Can generate systematic output • Summary statistics • Graphs • Regression results WHY SAS IS THE ANSWER: Clinical data is sensitive information that should be treated as a valuable asset as well as a regulated commodity. Not only can improper management of clinical data cause the invalidation of an entire clinical trial, but it may also result in strict remedies, including serious financial penalties, from the FDA. At the time of this wri...