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Showing posts with label SASHELP views. Show all posts
Showing posts with label SASHELP views. Show all posts

Dictionary Tables and SASHELP Views:

Most of the SAS programmers think that the Metadata concepts (Dictionary tables and SASHELP views) are advanced SAS topics, in fact it is not.

I tried here to explain the concept precise and clear……

Here, I will cover the following topics……

Introduction to SAS metadata
How to see what’s in the tables
How to use the tables, using several real-world examples

What are Dictionary Tables4?

Dictionary tables are created and automatically maintained by SAS system at run time to store information related to SAS data libraries, SAS system options, SAS catalogs, and external files associated with the currently running SAS session. CATALOGS, COLUMNS, EXTFILES, INDEXES, MEMBERS, MACRO, OPTIONS, TABLES, TITLES, AND VIEW are these objects which provide detailed information about the SAS files.

DICTIONARY tables are special read-only PROC SQL tables. They retrieve information about all the SAS data libraries, SAS data sets, SAS system options, and external files that are associated with the current SAS session.

PROC SQL automatically assigns the DICTIONARY libref. To get information from DICTIONARY tables, specify DICTIONARY.table-name in the FROM clause.

DICTIONARY.table-name is valid in PROC SQL only. However, SAS provides PROC SQL views, based on the DICTIONARY tables that can be used in other SAS procedures and in the DATA step. These views are stored in the SASHELP library and are commonly called "SASHELP views."

The following table lists some of the DICTIONARY tables and the names of their corresponding views3. Ref..... SAS help and Documentation for complete details:

Where to find/ how do we access Dictionary Tables?

Start a session. Open an interactive SAS session and use PRINT to display SASHELP.-VTABLE.

1. Start a SAS session
2. Using SAS explorer, navigate to LIBRARIES SASHELP VTABLE
3. Double-click to open it. Examine contents briefly
4. Close the VIEWTABLE window (don’t terminate the SAS session)

Note: Available only in Version 6.07 or later SAS versions

Dictionary Tables
􀂄 Always available
􀂄 Maintained by SAS
􀂄 Read only
􀂄 Have information on virtually every aspect of your SAS session

Two ways to access them
1. Dictionary tables
2. SASHELP views

What Tables are Available:
􀂄 V8 11 DICTIONARY tables • 17 SASHELP views

􀂄 V9.1.3• 22 DICTIONARY tables• 30 SASHELP views


Provides information about all variables in all data sets in all specified libraries. It gives us a lot of flexibility to investigate data sets.

Example 1:

Reading all variable names of one data set into one macro variable i.e &VAR

proc sql noprint;
Select name into: VAR separated by ","
from columns where libname="WORK” & memname="DEMO";

All variable names in data set DEMO are read into string &VAR &VAR = usubjid, subjid, age, gender, race, ..... , ...


Being Parallel with MEMBERS, TABLES provides more detailed information about SAS data files.

The following code is one example of outputting a summary table of SAS data files under certain specified directory.

TITLES: Contains messages about titles and footnotes which are used by current program.
TITLES: Provides a useful source of managing titles and footnotes in reports.

The TITLES table has an entry for each title and footnote line currently in effect. See the example below on how to use this table to save the current titles, and then restore them after running a report.

(type char(1) label='Title Location',
number num label='Title Number',
text char(256) label='Title Text');

The EXTFILES table has an entry for each external file registered (filerefs) in the session.

(fileref char(8) label='Fileref',
xpath char(1024) label='Path Name',
xengine char(8) label='Engine Name');

To check What Tables are Available:

proc sql;
create table tables as
select * from dictionary.dictionaries;

What Views are Available:

Execute the following program to see what views are available:

proc sql;
create table views as
select distinct memname
from sashelp.vsview
where libname='SASHELP'and memname like 'V%';

Here are the SASHELP views which are available in SAS version 9.1.3.


What is the Table Structure?

proc sql;
describe table DICTIONARY.OPTIONS;

NOTE: SQL table DICTIONARY.OPTIONS was created like:

(optname char(32) label='Option Name',
opttype char(8) label='Option type',
setting char(1024) label='Option Setting',
optdesc char(160) label='Option Description',
level char(8) label='Option Location',
group char(32) label='Option Group');

What can we do with these dictionary tables and or SASHELP views?

Check Conflicting Variable Attributes:
(Comparing the test and production directories)

Identify Current Directory:
(Retrieving the executing filename and path of program programmatically)

Use Variables Meeting Criteria or and Identify Features Incompatible with Transport Format:

/*Example #1: Check if all variables in the analysis data sets did have names and*/
/*labels, and the lengths of these should not exceed 8 and 40 characters, respectively.*/

/*Example #2: Check if all analysis data sets did have a label, and the length of any label cannot exceed 40 characters. Also, the length of data set names should not*/

/*Example #3: Check if the length of any character value of variable exceeds 200 characters*/

/*Example #4: Check if variables with the same name across multiple data sets have the*/
/*same attributes, in order to ensure consistency*/

*Select variable names that are in multiple data sets;
ODS RTF FILE="columns.rtf";
TITLE "List of Columns in Multiple Data Sets";
select name length=10, memname length=28,
label length=50, type length=8,
length length=8, format length=8,
informat length=8
from dictionary.columns
where libname="PRODN" group by name
having count(*) > 1
order by name, memname;

/*If we need to see variables with differences only, use the following:*/

OPTIONS orientation=Landscape;
ODS RTF FILE="columnsDiff.rtf";
TITLE "List of Columns in Multiple Data Sets with Discrepancy";
select name length=10, memname length=28, label length=50,
type length=8, length length=8, format length=8,
informat length=8
from dictionary.columns
where libname="PRODN"
group by name
having count(distinct label) > 1 or
count(distinct type) > 1 or
count(distinct length) > 1 or
count(distinct format) >1 or
count(distinct informat) > 1
order by name, memname;

Put all the variables in Alphabetical Order:
/*Example #5: Put all the variables into Alphabetical order;*/

proc sql noprint;
select name into: new
separated by ','
from dictionary.columns where libname='WORK' and memname='MH'
order by name;
create table mh1 as select &new.
from mh;

Note: Memname is the name of the dataset(MH). The above program reorder the variables alphabetically. We are taking help from dictionary.columns using proc sql to know and create a macro variable new to each variable in the dataset. Upon creating the macro variable, use the 2nd proc sql step…. to reorder the variables.

Count Observations/Variables in a Data Set:

Renaming all variables in a SAS dataset:

Resetting Titles:

data test;
ods listing close;
ods trace on;
ods escapechar='*';

ods rtf file="Title Check.rtf" bodytitle style=rtfout;

title1 j=r 'page 1 of 1';
title2 'Title check';
footnote2 July 22nd 2009;

proc print data=test;

ods rtf close;
ods trace off;
ods listing;

DATA __oldtitles;
set sashelp.vtitle;

Proc Contents vs Dictionary Tables/SASHELP views2:

Getting the information by extracting directly from SASHELP /DICTIONARY TABLES can be very helpful. These allow us to have more power with controlling the output than with proc contents. The standard output of PROC CONTENTS provides information from one dataset or all the datasets in a single library. Some of the information provided by PROC CONTENTS, like location of dataset, position of the columns in a dataset, may not be necessary for the final user of the information, and it is not easy to eliminate. With the use of PROC SQL, selected information about one or more dataset can be retrieved from views and create datasets.

Multiple libraries can be analyzed in a single SQL query. Each PROC CONTENTS step is limited to a single library reference. In addition, a second step is not required to reduce variable-level information to the table level.

This approach may be more efficient for libraries containing many variables. PROC CONTENTS may take much longer because of the variable-level nature of its output data set.

All SAS files - not just SAS data sets - can be analyzed through the DICTIONARY.MEMBERS table by selecting the appropriate values of the Memtype column. PROC CONTENTS only processes SAS data sets when creating an output data set.

Knowledge of SQL syntax is required. We can access SASHELP views using a simple datastep but it is much slower in generating the required information.

1) Don't Be a SAS® Dinosaur: Modernize Your SAS Programs by Warren Repole : SAS Library Information: SAS Files

2) A data dictionary, a more complete alternative to Proc contents: Pharmasug 2002 proceedings (By Angelina Cecilia Casas, M.S. PPD Development, Research Triangle Park, NC):

3) SAS Help and Documentation

4) Where, When, and How to Use Dictionary Tables in SAS: NESUG 1999 Proceedings (By Jiang Jin, EDP Contract Services)

5) Simple Ways to Use PROC SQL and SAS DICTIONARY TABLES to Verify Data Structure of the Electronic Submission Data Sets: Pharmasug 2006 tutorials (By Christine Teng and Wenjie Wang, Merck Research Labs, Merck & Co., Inc., Rahway, NJ)

Proc Compare/Dictionary.Coulmns/Dictionary.Tables.: Program used to compare the SAS datasets in two directories

Here is the new Proc program, I have developed compare all the datasets in 2 directories(testing and production) at once and to quick check any mismatches.

Proc compare only check if there is any mismatches between the datasets in 2 directories. If any, it reports otherwise it will give us a note saying that:

Note: No unequal Values were found. All values compared are exactly equal.

See the proc compare snap shot:

What if any dataset has the length more than 8, and what if any variable length more than 40 and what if the dataset name has more than 8 characters etc... Proc Compare doesn't address this issue.

I have developed the following program to address this issue. It’s a mandatory that we need to follow certain requirements when we are preparing for an electronic submission to the FDA.

The following are some of the QC checks FDA requirements:
1) The length of a dataset name & variable name shouldn’t be more than 8 characters.
2) The length data set label and a variable label shouldn’t be more than 40 characters.

This following program will give the SAS programmer a basic idea of how to check the dataset and variable attributes using the metadata (dictionary.columns and dictionary.tables) using Proc SQL. This program will save us some critical time.

Here are the details this program will give us…
1) Compare the variable attributes and prints the differences (length, format and informats) between production and testing directories .
2) Compare the labels, no. of observations and no. of variables in the datasets and prints if there is any differences between testing and production directories.
3) Checks the data set label and its length and prints if any dataset name GT 8 and dataset label GT 40.
4) Checks the variable label and their lengths of a dataset and prints if any dataset name GT 8 and dataset label GT 40.
5) Checks length of (character)variables and prints them if any variable has GT 200 in length;

*** Program: ***;
*** Version: 1.0 ***;
*** Client: ABC Pharmaceuticals, Inc. ***;
*** Protocol: ABC-2009 ***;
*** Programmer: Sarath Annapareddy ***;
*** Date: Mar 31st 2009 ***;
*** Purpose: Program used to compare the attributes *** lengths,labels,formats and ***;
*** informats) of datasets in production and testing libraries***;
*** Program also used to check the length of variables in each***; *** dataset. ***;

libname test 'H:\company\client\Testing\#####\###########\### datasets';
libname prodn 'H:\company\client\Testing\#####\###########\ ### datasets';

*creating the proc contents like output with Proc Sql;
proc sql noprint;
create table _test as
select memname label='Dataset Name',
name label='Variable',
type label='Type',
length as length,
label,format label='Format',
informat label='Informat'
from dictionary.columns
where indexw("TEST",libname)
order by memname, name;
create table _test1 as
select distinct libname,memname,memlabel,nobs,nvar
from dictionary.tables
where (indexw("TEST",libname));

*creating the proc contents like output with Proc Sql;
proc sql noprint;
create table _prodn as
select memname label='Dataset Name',
name label='Variable',
type label='Type',
length as length,
label,format label='Format',
informat label='Informat'
from dictionary.columns
where indexw("PRODN",libname)
order by memname, name;
create table _prodnl as
select distinct libname,memname,memlabel,nobs,nvar
from dictionary.tables
where (indexw("PRODN",libname));

*Run proc compare to check variable attributes in prodn and test directories;
ods listing close;
ods rtf style=style.rtf file="Compare_vars_Out.rtf";
proc compare data=_prodn compare=_test;
id memname name label;
ods rtf close;
ods listing;

*Run proc compare to check labels, no. of obs and no. of variables of the datasets;
ods listing close;
ods rtf style=style.rtf file="Compare_dataset_Out.rtf";
proc compare data=_prodnl(drop=libname) compare=_test1(drop=libname);

ods rtf close;
ods listing;

*Check analysis data set name, label and their lengths;
ods listing close;
ods rtf style=style.rtf file="variable_length_check.rtf";
proc sql noprint;
create table v_length as
select memname label='Dataset Name', length(memname) as nam_lnth, memlabel label='Variable',
length(memlabel) as lab_lnth from dictionary.tables
where libname="PRODN" and (length(memname)>8 or length(memlabel)>40);
ods rtf close;
ods listing;

ods listing close;
ods rtf style=style.rtf file="label_length_check.rtf";
*Check variable name, label and their lengths;
proc sql noprint;
create table l_length as
select memname label='Dataset Name', name label='Variable', length(name) as var_lnth, label,
length(label)as lab_lnth from dictionary.columns
where libname="PRODN" and (length(name)>8 or length(label)>40);

ods rtf close;
ods listing;

*Check length of character variable values that were defined GT 200;
ods listing close;
ods rtf style=style.rtf file="variables_gt_ 200_length.rtf";
proc sql noprint;
create table longvar as
select memname, name, length
from dictionary.columns
where libname="PRODN" and length > 200;

ods rtf close;
ods listing;

TS-DOC TS-440 - How can I use PROC COMPARE to produce a report ... -

How to determine the executing program name and path programatically

Sometimes, we need to keep the name and path of the executing program in the FOOTNOTE of the generated table or listings.

I have always created a macro variable using the %let statement and, then I called the Macro variable in the footnote statement to get the name of the program. Eventhough it is simple.. it may not be suitable when we write application which need to self document...

Here is another technique which can be used to retrieve the pathname and filename (last executed) .....

To get the last opened filename:

proc sql noprint;
select scan(xpath,-1,'\') into :progname from sashelp.vextfl
where upcase(xpath) like '%.SAS';

%put &progname;



data _null_;
set sashelp.vextfl(where=(upcase(xpath) like '%.SAS'));
call symput('program', scan(xpath,-1,'\'));

%put &program;

To get path name ... then .. use the following code;

proc sql noprint;
select xpath into :progname
from sashelp.vextfl where upcase(xpath) like '%.SAS';

%put &progname;



data _null_;
set sashelp.vextfl
(where=(upcase(xpath) like '%.SAS'));
call symput('program', xpath));

%put &program;


Here is another coolway to retrieve the filename and path of last executed program;

If you are using Windows operating system, we can access the executing program and its path using two environmental variables SAS_EXECFILENAME and SAS_EXECFILEPATH.

To access the values of these two variables use %SYSGET macro function.
The below macro calls(pathfind and filefind) gets u the name of the executing program and its path:

%macro pathfind;
%mend pathfind;
%put %pathfind;

%macro filefind;
%mend filefind;
%put %filefind;


In the spirit of transparency and innovation, I want to share that some of the content on this blog is generated with the assistance of ChatGPT, an AI language model developed by OpenAI. While I use this tool to help brainstorm ideas and draft content, every post is carefully reviewed, edited, and personalized by me to ensure it aligns with my voice, values, and the needs of my readers. My goal is to provide you with accurate, valuable, and engaging content, and I believe that using AI as a creative aid helps achieve that. If you have any questions or feedback about this approach, feel free to reach out. Your trust and satisfaction are my top priorities.