USING THE SCAN FUNCTION: SCAN (string,n,delimiters): returns the nth word from the character string string, where words are delimited by the characters in delimiters. It is used to extract words from a character value when the relative order of words is known, but their starting positions are not. NewVar= SCAN (string,n<, delimiters >); -returns the nth ‘word’ in the string When the SCAN function is used: the length of the created variable is 200 bytes if it is not previously defined with a LENGTH statement delimiters before the first word have no effect When the SCAN function is used, any character or set of characters can serve as delimiters Points to remember while using SCAN Function: a missing value is returned if there are fewer than n words in string two or more contiguous delimiters are treated as a single delimiter if n is negative, SCAN selects the word in the character string starting from the end of stri...