
Showing posts with the label anydtdte30.

How to convert the datetime character string to SAS datetime value? (ANYDTDTM and MDYAMPM formats)

When we have a string like this "9/01/2010 11:52:54 AM" and would like to translate the string to a numeric SAS date time variable, most of the times we use SCAN function to extract the information to get the DATETIME format. This is definitely a tedious job. SAS formats ( MDYAMPM, ANTDTDTM ) comes to rescue us. Here is how it works. data test ; length date $25 ; date=" 9/01/2010 11:52:54 AM "; *Convert the character string to SAS datetime value; datetimevar = input (date, mdyampm25.2 ); datetimevar1 = input (date, anydtdtm20. ); *Apply format to the SAS date time value; format datetimevar datetimevar1  datetime19. ; run ; Result: 01SEP2010:11:52:54 * ANYDTDTM and MDYAMPM informats work together when the datetime value has AM PM specified or day, month, and year components are not ambiguous. The MDYAMPMw . format writes datetime values with separators in the form mm/dd/yy hh:mm AM PM, and requires a space between the date and the time....