
Showing posts with the label numeric variables length more than 8

Length of Numeric variables GT 8 in SAS| StudySAS BLOG

Q&A: numeric variables length more than 8? We all know that the default length of the numeric variables in SAS is 8 and if suppose I want to store a number lets say (12345678910, which has a length 11 to numeric variable) to variable total, what should I do? What if the numeric variable digits are more than 12 digits and i want to store them all without any E values? ANS) The default length of numeric variables in SAS is 8 and all the numbers that we see in the sas datasets are called as floating numbers(floating point binary) and not a regular sequence numbers form 1 to 10. When we are using SAS/Windows as our operating system and then the minimum length for any numeric variable should be 3(not 1 as we get confused all the time). So if a variable contas less than 3 digits means it is stored with less space. The reason is, since a numeric variable will need a power and and the sign(+ or -), if SAS want to store a numberit defenitely needs a minimum of 3 bytes. Depending ...