
Showing posts with the label put

How to convert numeric date values into character and from character date values into numeric using DATASTEP, PROC SQL and ARRAYS

1) Converting character date values into numeric: /*I) Using the DATASTEP:*/ 1) Data dates; input cdate $9.; cards; 16-apr-07 01-01-07 02-jun-07 13-sep-07 ; run; Data Convert; set dates; Date = input ( cdate , ANYDTDTE9.); format date date7.; run; 2) Data dates ; input cdate $9.; cards; 16-apr-2007 01-01-2007 02-jun-2007 13-sep-2007 ; run; Data Convert ; set dates; Date = input ( cdate , ANYDTDTE11.); format date date9.; run ; *II) Using Proc SQL; *Numeric date variable can be converted to character date variable by using the PUT function within PROC SQL.; proc sql; create table date_char as select PUT(date, date9.) as ndate from date_num; quit; *Character date variable can be converted to numeric date variable by using the INPUT function within PROC SQL.; Proc sql; create table date_num as select INPUT (date, mmddyy10.) as ndate format= mmddyy10. from date_char; quit ; Or Proc sql ; create table date_num as sel...

Convert values from character to numeric or from numeric to character.

Convert values from character to numeric or from numeric to character\Convert variable values using either the INPUT or PUT function. Convert a character value to a numeric value by using the INPUT function. Specify a numeric informat that best describes how to Read the data value into the numeric variable. When changing types a new variable name is required. If you need to keep the original variable name for the new type, use the RENAME = option as illustrated in Sample 2. data char; input string : $8. date : $6.; numeric= input (string, 8.); sasdate= input (date, mmddyy6.); format sasdate mmddyy10.; datalines ; 1234.56 031704 3920 123104; proc print; run ; data now_num; input num date: mmddyy6.; datalines ; 123456 110204 1000 120504;   run; data now_char ; set now_num (rename=(num=oldnum date=olddate)); num = put (oldnum,6. -L); date = put ( olddate , date9 .); run ; proc print ; run ; Source: Here ...