What's new in SAS V 9.2 for Base SAS

Listen to the SAS lecture series by http://www.sas.com/ to find out whats new in SAS 9.2 version.....

SAS Lecture series for SAS 9.2 changes and enhancements for Base SAS has 3 sessions:

Session 1: New and enhanced Procedures and Statements
  1. Overview of Changes and Enhancements
  2. DATA step Changes and Enhancements
  3. Base Engine Changes and Enhancements
  4. New Base Procedures
  5. Base Procedures Changes and Enhancements

Session 2: The SAS Macro Facility
Session 3: SAS XML LIBNAME Engine and ODS

Listen to


Note: e-lecture is on Session 1 only..

SAS Documenatation: What's New in SAS 9.2


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