How to create a macro variable containing a list of variables in a DATA set

Sometimes it is very handy to have a macro variable contanining the variables names of the dataset. Here are the 2 different ways you can create a macro variable with list of variables names ...

*Method1: Using Proc Contents and Proc SQL;

proc contents data=sashelp.class out=class;

proc sql noprint;
select distinct(name) into:vars separated by " " from class;

%put &vars;

*Method2: Using SASHELP tables and Proc SQL;

data class;
set sashelp.vcolumn(where=(libname="SASHELP" and memname="CLASS"));
keep name;

proc sql noprint;
select distinct(name) into:vars separated by " " from class;

%put &vars;


  1. %let dsid=%sysfunc(open(&lib..&dsn,i));
    %let numvar=%sysfunc(attrn(&dsid,nvar));
    %do j =1 %to &numvar;
    %let colname=',';
    %let colname1=%sysfunc (varname(&dsid,&j));
    %let colname=&colname1||&colname;
    %let rc=%sysfunc (close(&dsid));


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