
Showing posts with the label Format Details

How to get the details of formats from the format libraries:

If you are like me wanted to get the details of formats stored in the format library, here are two easy ways ….Proc catalog or Proc format Proc Catalog: Proc catalog will give us the details about name and type (numeric or character) of formats Syntax: proc catalog catalog = frmtdir.formats; contents ; run ; * FORMATS , is the name of the folder where all permanent formats are stored inside the library FRMTDIR . *If you want to get the details of temporary formats use WORK in place of frmtdir.formats; Proc Format: Use either SELECT or  EXCLUDE statements to choose the formats for which you want to get the details. Syntax: proc format library = frmtdir.formats; select locfmt; run ; This code will provide the details of LOCFMT in the FRMTDIR library. Below code gives complte information about what's stored in your format catalogs. libname frmtdir 'c:\saswork' ; proc format library =frmtdir.formats cntlout = formats; run ; Look at ...