Tuesday, June 14, 2011

How to generate the month name from a numeric date value

Task: I have a SAS date and wanted to create a variable with the month name.
Here is how to do it......

Use MONNAMEw. format which is simple and easy.  You need to be using  SAS 9.X versions to make it work.

/*Use MONNAMEw. format*/
data month;
input date:mmddyy8.;

proc print;

ERROR: The MS Excel table (worksheetname) has been opened for OUTPUT.

I happend to stumbleupon a post from SAS support blog regarding the ERROR message in the LOG file when trying to output a SAS dataset in the form of Excel sheet.

Direct link:

ERROR: The MS Excel table (worksheetname) has been opened for OUTPUT.

This table already exists, or there is a name conflict with an existing object. This table will not be replaced. This engine does not support the REPLACE option.
ERROR: Export unsuccessful. See SAS Log for details.

When you use the EXPORT procedure on an Excel workbook, the workbook might be corrupted and the following error message generated:

This problem can occur if a previous EXPORT procedure attempts to export a SAS data set in the workbook that does not contain any observations. The following example illustrates an export procedure on such a data set:

%macro blowup;

data a;

%do i=1 %to 2;

proc export data=a outfile="c:\temp\test.xls"
dbms=excel2000 replace;


The problem occurs because the SAS data set does not contain any data to export. As a result, a corrupted structure is created.

To circumvent the problem, do one of the following:

•Use the SQL procedure with a DROP TABLE statement to drop the empty data set before replacing it, as shown in the following example:

%macro blowup;

data a;

%do i=1 %to 2;

libname test excel 'c:\sastest\test2.xls';

proc sql;
drop table test.a;

libname test clear;

proc export data=a outfile="c:\sastest\test2.xls"
dbms=excel2000 replace;


Sunday, February 6, 2011

How to read next record while working on the current record. (LEAD FUNCTION)

Even though there is no function is available in SAS to do exactly the opposite work of the LAG function (i.e: reading the next record while working on the current one), there are few things you can do to do exactly that.
Here are few simple techniques which are proved to work without any problem.


data test;
input id age grp ;
1 10 1
2 20 1
3 30 1
4 40 1
5 50 1
1 10 2
2 20 2
3 30 2
4 40 2
5 50 2

*1) Using the POINT feature along with automatic variable _N_;
This solution was suggested by Paul M. Dorfman;

data leads;
_n_ ++ 1;
if _n_ le n then do;
set one point=_n_;
set one nobs=n;


data leads;
_n_ ++ _n_ lt n;
set one point=_n_;
set one nobs=n end=end;
if end then leadage=.;

By using the above techniques, you can jump a bit higher and even look values of two, three or any numbers of observations in advance by advancing the value of automatic variable _N_ by appropriate number (in general _N_ ++ n ). Only thing you have to keep in mind while doing so is before applying the POINT processing, you have to apply appropriate lag (lagn) to grouping variable.

SAS-L.    http://www.listserv.uga.edu/cgi-bin/wa?A2=ind9904E&L=sas-l&P=R6185



option mergeNoBy=nowarn; *Supress the warning message in the log. WARNING: No BY statement was specified for a MERGE statement.;

data lead;
merge one one(firstobs = 2 rename=(age=leadage));

Saturday, January 22, 2011


Recently I stumbled upon a SUGI-Paper  SAS 1-Liners by Stephen Hunt. I liked the way Stephen developed the 1-liner for  STUDY DAY calculation.

One of the most common calculation used across all types of programming is determining a relative 'day' based on 2 date fields. In clinical trials the initial 'Study Day' is generally considered to begin at either randamization or dosing, thus assessments made prior to this starting point require a slight variation in the calculating in order to preserve the typical  'no day 0' concept.

SUGI proceedings10/054-2010.pdf
  When it comes to calculating such, some programmers opt to both with evaluating whether a visit date occurred on or /after randomization.

if visdt > randdt >.z then stydy=visdt-randdt;
else stydt=visdt-randdt+1;

However, this is unnecessary, sine the 1-liner will suffice:

if visdt >.z & randdt >.z then stydy=visdt-randdt+(visdt>=randdt);

Thanks to Stephen  for his code.

Here is the code I use from now to compute the study day.

if nmiss(visidt,randdt)=0 then stydy=visdt-randdt+(visdt>=randdt);

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Easy way to UPCASE variable names of SAS dataset


Use trhe above option statement to upcase the variable name of the SAS dataset irrespective of type of variable in the dataset (character or numeric).

The following example shows how the option sattement VALIDVARNAME=UPCASE works.

proc contents data=sashelp.class out=test;


Note: Propcase variable names. 

*Upcasing the variables;

option validvarname=upcase;
proc sort data=sashelp.class out=test; run;

Because of the option statement. Ex:  'Age'  becomes 'AGE' and 'Height' becomes 'HEIGHT' etc.

See the SAS Language Reference dictionary to get more details.

Another way to do this is to use a macro and I call it as UPCASE macro.

proc sort data=sashelp.class out=test;

by name;
%macro upcase (lib,dsn);

*Create a macro variable with the total number of variable count;
data _null_;
set sashelp.vtable(where=(libname="&LIB" and memname="&DSN"));
call symput('nvars',nvar);

*Create a macro variable with variable names;data _null_;
set sashelp.vcolumn(where=(libname="&LIB" and memname="&DSN"));
call symput(cats("var",_n_),name);

proc datasets library=&LIB;
modify &DSN;
%do i = 1 %to &nvars;
rename &&var&i=%upcase(&&var&i);

Thursday, November 4, 2010

MDY Function

The MDY function converts MONTH, DAY, and YEAR values to a SAS date value. For example, MDY(10,19,1999) returns the SAS date value '19OCT99'D.

Syntax:    MDY(month,day,year)


month : specifies a numeric expression that represents an integer from 1 through 12.

day    :specifies a numeric expression that represents an integer from 1 through 31.

year   :specifies a two-digit or four-digit integer that represents the year. The YEARCUTOFF= system    option defines the year value for two-digit dates.

If you know month, day, and year values, it’s very easy to derive date variable. You just need to use MDY function (of course, month, day, and year should be numeric). However, if the data is character then the conversion to numeric should occur first and then the conversion to the date value.


*When month, day, and year has numeric values;
data test;
format newdate yymmdd10.;

*When month, day, and year has character values;
data test;
format newdate yymmdd10.;

You can use CATX and Input functions to get the same result.


Ref: SAS Help and Documentation.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Overview on CDISC Implementation

CDISC Advantages

CDISC has developed a set of data standards to enhance

data collection,
analysis, and
reporting efficiencies,
improve safety monitoring, and
streamline the review and approval process for investigational treatments.

Under the ICH’s electronic Common Technical Document (eCTD) guidance, CDISC Study Data Tabulation Model (SDTM) is the preferred standard for content format and structure of clinical data for all clinical studies. Based on proposed federal regulations, the FDA will mandate that all clinical trial submissions be in electronic format and that the content comply with data standards guidance. Veristat helps our clients by not only implementing these standards on a project or program, but also by providing our clients with an understanding of the CDISC standards.


source: http://cro.businessdecision.com/
