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The following excerpt is from SAS OnlineDoc documentation:

? or ??

Direct link:

The optional question mark (?) and double question mark (??) format modifiers suppress the printing of both the error messages and the input lines when invalid data values are read. The ? modifier suppresses the invalid data message. The ?? modifier also suppresses the invalid data message and, in addition, prevents the automatic variable _ERROR_ from being set to 1 when invalid data are read.

Below is an example of using ?? to determine whether a variable contains non-numeric values or not:

data _null_;
x = 12345678”;
if (input(x, ?? 8.) eq .) then
put non-numeric’;
else put ‘numeric’;

Running SAS would return “Numeric” in the above example. If we used X=”123a5678”, SAS would return “Non-Numeric”. Note that the input format in the above example is “8.” So only the first 8 bytes of the character string are checked.

Thus, X=123456789a would return “Numeric” as it would only be checking the first 8 bytes of the string.
I found an  interesting tip about suppressing the invalid data note and/or error message when reading in formatted data while surfing on the net.... (Source : Queensland Users Exploring SAS Technology)
Tips & Techniques - #3

Q: Is there a way to suppress the invalid data note and/or error message when reading in formatted data?


􀂄Use the Format Modifiers ? or ?? on the input statement (or input function)

τ€‚„? –suppresses printing the invalid data note when SAS encounters invalid data values.

τ€‚„??––suppresses printing the messages and the input lines when SAS encounters invalid data values. The automatic variable _ERROR_ is not set to 1 for the invalid observation.

􀂄For example:

input x ?? 10 10-12;

Is the same as:

input x ? 10 10-12;


PROC SQL basics, tips and techniques and sample code programs

Proc SQL:

Power of SAS SQL:

• SQL looks at datasets differently from SAS
– SAS looks at a dataset one record at a time, using an implied loop that moves from the first record to the last
– SQL looks at all the records, as a single object
• Because of this difference SQL can easily do few things that are more difficult to do in SAS
• There are a number of built in functions in SQL that can be used in a select statement
• Because of how SQL handles a dataset, these functions work over the entire dataset
• Functions:

– Count: Counts Values
– Sum: Sums Values
– Max: Identifies the largest value
– Min: Identifies the smallest value
– Mean: Averages the values



Introduction to Proc SQL


PROC SQL: When and How to Use It?

Proc SQL – A Primer for SAS Programmers

Understanding PROC SQL

Creating Macro Variables with Proc SQL

DATA Step vs. PROC SQL: What’s a neophyte to do?

Effective Use of SQL in SAS Programming

Variable List Short-Cuts in PROC SQL

Ten Best PROC SQL Tips and Techniques

Undocumented and Hard-to-Find PROC SQL C2 AE_Features

Variable List Short-Cuts in PROC SQL

Exploring the World of PROC SQL® Joins

Using PROC SQL to Create Ad Hoc Reports


PROC SQL for DATA Step Die-hards

Calculating Changes and Differences Using PROC SQL —With Clinical Data Examples

Validating Data Via PROC SQL


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