Sunday, December 5, 2010
Easy way to UPCASE variable names of SAS dataset
Use trhe above option statement to upcase the variable name of the SAS dataset irrespective of type of variable in the dataset (character or numeric).
The following example shows how the option sattement VALIDVARNAME=UPCASE works.
proc contents data=sashelp.class out=test;
Note: Propcase variable names.
*Upcasing the variables;
option validvarname=upcase;
proc sort data=sashelp.class out=test; run;
Because of the option statement. Ex: 'Age' becomes 'AGE' and 'Height' becomes 'HEIGHT' etc.
See the SAS Language Reference dictionary to get more details.
Another way to do this is to use a macro and I call it as UPCASE macro.
proc sort data=sashelp.class out=test;
by name;
%macro upcase (lib,dsn);
*Create a macro variable with the total number of variable count;
data _null_;
set sashelp.vtable(where=(libname="&LIB" and memname="&DSN"));
call symput('nvars',nvar);
*Create a macro variable with variable names;data _null_;
set sashelp.vcolumn(where=(libname="&LIB" and memname="&DSN"));
call symput(cats("var",_n_),name);
proc datasets library=&LIB;
modify &DSN;
%do i = 1 %to &nvars;
rename &&var&i=%upcase(&&var&i);
Thursday, November 4, 2010
MDY Function
Syntax: MDY(month,day,year)
month : specifies a numeric expression that represents an integer from 1 through 12.
day :specifies a numeric expression that represents an integer from 1 through 31.
year :specifies a two-digit or four-digit integer that represents the year. The YEARCUTOFF= system option defines the year value for two-digit dates.
If you know month, day, and year values, it’s very easy to derive date variable. You just need to use MDY function (of course, month, day, and year should be numeric). However, if the data is character then the conversion to numeric should occur first and then the conversion to the date value.
*When month, day, and year has numeric values;
data test;
format newdate yymmdd10.;
*When month, day, and year has character values;
data test;
format newdate yymmdd10.;
You can use CATX and Input functions to get the same result.
Ref: SAS Help and Documentation.
Monday, October 4, 2010
Overview on CDISC Implementation
Thursday, September 16, 2010
How to convert the datetime character string to SAS datetime value? (ANYDTDTM and MDYAMPM formats)
SAS formats (MDYAMPM, ANTDTDTM) comes to rescue us. Here is how it works.
data test;
length date $25;
date="9/01/2010 11:52:54 AM";
*Convert the character string to SAS datetime value;
datetimevar =input(date,mdyampm25.2);
datetimevar1 =input(date,anydtdtm20.);
*Apply format to the SAS date time value;
format datetimevar datetimevar1 datetime19.;
Result: 01SEP2010:11:52:54
*ANYDTDTM and MDYAMPM informats work together when the datetime value has AM PM specified or day, month, and year components are not ambiguous.
The MDYAMPMw. format writes datetime values with separators in the form mm/dd/yy
The ANYDTDTM w. format writes datetime values with separators in the form dd/mm/yy
When a value is read with ANYDTDTMw. informat and the style of the value is dd/dd/dd(dd) tt:tt:tt AM
PM, the MDYAMPMw.d informat is called to read the value. If the AM PM component is not present, the MDYAMPMw.d informat is used as long as the month and day components aren't ambiguous. If they are ambiguous, the value of the DATESTYLE= system option is used to determine the order of month, day, and year components.
MDYAMPMw.d Format
Writes datetime values in the form mm/dd/yy
The MDYAMPMw.d format writes SAS datetime values in the following form:
The following list explains the datetime variables:
mm is an integer from 1 through 12 that represents the month.
dd is an integer from 1 through 31 that represents the day of the month.
yy or yyyy specifies a two-digit or four-digit integer that represents the year.
hh is the number of hours that range from 0 through 23.
mm is the number of minutes that range from 00 through 59.
AM PM specifies either the time period 00:01-12:00 noon (AM) or the time period 12:01-12:00 midnight (PM). The default is AM.
date and time separator characters is one of several special characters, such as the slash (/), colon (:), or a blank character that SAS uses to separate date and time components.
Source: SAS(R) 9.2 Language Reference: Dictionary, Third Edition
These examples illustrate how the ANYDTDTMw. informat reads values based upon an AM PM specification and the DATESTYLE= system option.
/* Since AM is specified with the value, the ANYDTDTM informat is called to read the datetime value. */
options datestyle=dmy;
data test1;
format xtext $22. xdate DATETIME18.;
xtext="07/01/2008 12:30:00 AM";
proc print;
/* Since AM PM aren't specified and the month and day components are ambiguous, the DATESTYLE= system option is used to determine their order. */
options datestyle=dmy;
data test2;
format xtext $22. xdate DATETIME18.;
xtext="07/01/2008 12:30:00";
proc print;
If you have a date "Saturday, November 01, 2008" and would like to convert it to numeric with DDMMYY10. format here is the way to do it.
data fmtchnge;length worddate $40;
worddate = "Saturday, November 01, 2008";
dmyfmt= input(substr(worddate,findc(worddate,',')+1),anydtdte30.);
format dmyfmt mmddyy10.;
Sunday, September 12, 2010
SAS Keyboard Shortcuts
Shortcuts and their descriptions:
Remember that the keyboard shortcuts listed here are default.
Selection Operations:1) Comment the section with line comments (/): press CTL + /
2) Undo the comment: press CTL + SHIFT + /
3) Convert selected text to lowercase: press CTL + SHIFT + L
4) Convert selected text to uppercase: press CTL + SHIFT + U
Shortcuts (pre-defined) CTRL+Shift+L or +U (only for the enhanced editor), which convert all selected text into lowercase or uppercase respectively. These become very handy when we insert the text by copy+paste.
5) Indent selected section: press TAB
6) Un-indent selected section: press SHIFT + TAB
7) To move curser to the matching DO/END statement: press
ALT + [ or
ALT + { or
ALT+] or
ALT + }
Miscellaneous:1) To see the desktop: press (Window’s Key + M) or (Window’s Key + D)
Navigate around Text:
1) Move to beginning of line: Press Home
2) Move to top: Press CTRL+Home
3) Move to end: Press CTRL+End
Mark (Highlight) the Text:
1) Mark to beginning of line: Press SHIFT+Home
2) Mark to end of line: Press SHIFT+End
3) Mark to top: Press SHIFT+CTRL+Home
4) Mark to end: Press SHIFT+CTRL+End
Window Control:
1) To cascade the windows: Press SHIFT+F5
2) To Tile the windows: Press SHIFT+F4
3) To go to the next window: Press CTRL+F6
4) To close the active window: Press CTRL+F4
5) To exit the SAS system: Press ALT+F4
Friday, September 10, 2010
Mastering Global and Local Macro Variables in SAS: Essential Techniques and Best Practices for SDTM Programmers
Mastering Global and Local Macro Variables in SAS: A Detailed Guide for SDTM Programmers
In SAS programming, especially when dealing with complex tasks such as SDTM (Study Data Tabulation Model) dataset creation, macro variables play a critical role in automating processes and managing large amounts of data efficiently. Understanding the distinction between Global and Local macro variables, and how to use them appropriately, is essential for writing clean, maintainable, and robust code.
What are Macro Variables in SAS?
Macro variables in SAS are placeholders that store text strings, which can be reused throughout your SAS programs. They are part of the SAS Macro Language and are used to make your code more dynamic and flexible. By using macro variables, you can avoid hardcoding values and make your code easier to modify and scale.
There are two primary types of macro variables in SAS:
- Global Macro Variables: These are accessible from anywhere in your SAS session after they are defined. They persist until the end of the session or until explicitly deleted.
- Local Macro Variables: These are only accessible within the macro where they are created. They are automatically deleted when the macro finishes executing.
Creating and Using Global Macro Variables
Global macro variables are ideal for values that need to be consistent and accessible across multiple programs or within different parts of the same program. In SDTM programming, global macro variables can be used to define study-specific parameters, dataset paths, and other constants that are used throughout your code.
How to Create Global Macro Variables
To create a global macro variable, you can use either the %GLOBAL
statement or the %LET
statement at the top level of your SAS program or macro. The %GLOBAL
statement explicitly declares the macro variable as global, while %LET
can implicitly create a global variable if used outside of a macro.
* Using %GLOBAL to declare a global macro variable;
%global study_id;
%let study_id = ABC123;
* Using %LET at the top level (implicitly global);
%let sdtm_path = C:\SASProjects\SDTM\datasets;
* Accessing the global macro variable;
%put The study ID is &study_id;
%put The SDTM path is &sdtm_path;
In the example above, both study_id
and sdtm_path
are global macro variables that can be accessed anywhere in your SAS session. This is particularly useful when you need to refer to these values in multiple DATA steps, procedures, or macros.
Examples in SDTM Programming
Global macro variables are frequently used in SDTM programming to store key information such as dataset paths, study identifiers, and other parameters that need to be consistent across multiple datasets. Here are some practical examples:
Example 1: Managing Dataset Paths
In a typical SDTM project, you might have several datasets stored in a specific directory. Instead of hardcoding the directory path in every step, you can define a global macro variable to store the path:
%global sdtm_path;
%let sdtm_path = C:\SASProjects\SDTM\datasets;
data dm;
set "&sdtm_path.\dm.sas7bdat";
data ae;
set "&sdtm_path.\ae.sas7bdat";
data lb;
set "&sdtm_path.\lb.sas7bdat";
By using the sdtm_path
global macro variable, you can easily change the dataset path in one place, and the change will be reflected wherever the macro variable is used. This approach reduces errors and makes your code more flexible.
Example 2: Study-Specific Information
In SDTM programming, certain information like the study ID, sponsor name, or protocol version may be required across multiple datasets. Defining these as global macro variables ensures consistency and makes your code easier to update.
%global study_id sponsor protocol_version;
%let study_id = ABC123;
%let sponsor = PharmaCorp;
%let protocol_version = 1.0;
data dm;
studyid = "&study_id";
sponsor = "&sponsor";
protocol = "&protocol_version";
data ae;
studyid = "&study_id";
sponsor = "&sponsor";
protocol = "&protocol_version";
With these global macro variables, you ensure that the study ID, sponsor, and protocol version are consistent across all datasets without the need to manually enter these values in each step.
Creating and Using Local Macro Variables
Local macro variables are designed for use within specific macros, where they are created, used, and then automatically deleted when the macro finishes execution. This makes them ideal for temporary calculations or for ensuring that variable names do not conflict with other variables in your program.
How to Create Local Macro Variables
Local macro variables are created using the %LOCAL
statement within a macro. Any macro variables created with %LOCAL
are only accessible within that macro and are not visible outside of it.
%macro calculate_age(birth_date, ref_date);
%local age_years;
age_years = intck('year', &birth_date, &ref_date);
if month(&ref_date) lt month(&birth_date) or
(month(&ref_date) = month(&birth_date) and
day(&ref_date) lt day(&birth_date)) then
age_years = age_years - 1;
%mend calculate_age;
In this example, age_years
is a local macro variable that is used to store the calculated age. Once the macro finishes executing, age_years
is deleted and is not accessible outside of the macro.
Examples in SDTM Programming
Local macro variables are particularly useful in SDTM programming when you need to perform temporary calculations, create intermediate variables, or ensure that variable names do not conflict with those in other parts of your program.
Example 1: Deriving Variables within a Macro
When deriving variables such as age, visit number, or treatment period within a macro, local macro variables can be used to store intermediate values.
%macro derive_variables(data_in, data_out);
%local age visit_num trt_period;
data &data_out;
set &data_in;
age = %calculate_age(dob, rfstdtc);
visit_num = input(visit, best.);
trt_period = trtan;
%mend derive_variables;
In this example, the local macro variables age
, visit_num
, and trt_period
are used to store intermediate values during the derivation process. These variables are local to the derive_variables
macro and do not interfere with other variables outside the macro.
Example 2: Avoiding Name Conflicts in Large Projects
In large SDTM projects, multiple programmers may use similar variable names across different macros. Using local macro variables helps prevent conflicts and unintended overwriting of values.
%macro create_dm_var();
%local subj_id;
subj_id = "0001"; /* Local variable used within this macro */
call symputx('subj_id', subj_id);
%mend create_dm_var;
%put Subject ID: &subj_id;
In this example, subj_id
is a local macro variable within the create_dm_var
macro. This ensures that the variable does not conflict with any global variables or other variables in different macros, preserving the integrity of the data.
Advanced Techniques: Using Global and Local Macro Variables Together
In complex SDTM programming tasks, you may find yourself using both global and local macro variables together to achieve more sophisticated data manipulations. For example, you might use a global macro variable to set a general condition or path, and local macro variables within macros to perform specific calculations or transformations.
Example: Creating a Reusable Macro for Multiple Studies
Suppose you need to create a macro that processes SDTM datasets for multiple studies. You can use global macro variables to store study-specific information and local macro variables for intermediate calculations.
%global study_id sdtm_path;
%let study_id = XYZ789;
%let sdtm_path = C:\SASProjects\SDTM\datasets;
%macro process_sdtm(data_set);
%local age visit_num;
data processed_&data_set;
set "&sdtm_path.\&data_set..sas7bdat";
age = %calculate_age(dob, rfstdtc);
visit_num = input(visit, best.);
proc print data=processed_&data_set;
%mend process_sdtm;
In this example, the global macro variables study_id
and sdtm_path
store information that is consistent across the study, while local macro variables age
and visit_num
are used for specific calculations within the macro. This approach makes the macro reusable across different datasets while ensuring that variable names do not conflict with others.
Best Practices for Using Macro Variables in SDTM Programming
To get the most out of macro variables in SDTM programming, consider the following best practices:
- Use Descriptive Names: Choose clear and descriptive names for your macro variables to make your code easier to understand and maintain.
- Scope Control: Be mindful of the scope of your macro variables. Use local macro variables for temporary calculations and global macro variables for values that need to be consistent across multiple programs.
- Document Your Code: Include comments in your code to explain the purpose of each macro variable, especially if they are used in multiple places.
- Reuse and Modularize: Create reusable macros that can be applied across different studies or datasets, using macro variables to customize behavior.
- Test Thoroughly: Test your macros thoroughly to ensure that global and local variables are behaving as expected, especially in complex programs.
Mastering the use of global and local macro variables is essential for effective SDTM programming in SAS. Global macro variables provide a way to store and access values consistently across your entire SAS session, while local macro variables allow for precise control within specific macros, avoiding conflicts and unintended overwrites. By understanding and applying these concepts, you can create more flexible, maintainable, and robust SAS programs.
Whether you're managing study-specific information, performing complex data transformations, or developing reusable macros, the strategic use of macro variables will enhance your efficiency and effectiveness as an SDTM programmer.
Thursday, August 26, 2010
How to get the details of formats from the format libraries:
Proc Catalog: Proc catalog will give us the details about name and type (numeric or character) of formats
proc catalog catalog = frmtdir.formats;
*FORMATS, is the name of the folder where all permanent formats are stored inside the library FRMTDIR.
*If you want to get the details of temporary formats use WORK in place of frmtdir.formats;
Proc Format:
Use either SELECT or EXCLUDE statements to choose the formats for which you want to get the details.
proc format library = frmtdir.formats;
select locfmt;
This code will provide the details of LOCFMT in the FRMTDIR library.
Below code gives complte information about what's stored in your format catalogs.
libname frmtdir 'c:\saswork';
proc format library=frmtdir.formats cntlout = formats;
Look at the output dataset 'formats' to get the details of the formats.
Monday, July 19, 2010
Converting SAS datasets to SPSS
Here is the syntax;
get sas data='C:\data\class.sas7bdat'.
For conversion of SAS to SPSS we need to see if any formats assigned to variables in the dataset or not.
If there are no formats then we just follow following steps to convert SAS dataset to SPSS.
**STEP1: Creating .xpt file of a SAS dataset using Proc COPY.**
libname SAS 'c:\sas\data\';
libname SPSS xport 'c:\sas\data\class.xpt';
proc copy in=sas out=spss;
select class;
**STEP2: Use SPSS command to convert the transport format SAS file to SPSS;**
You should use following commands to convert transport format file to SPSS data.
get sas data='c:\sas\data\class.xpt'.
If there are formats then we need to convert the formats catalog to a SAS data set before converting the SAS dataset into a .XPT file. This has to be done inside SAS to use the SAS formats as the value labels for SPSS data.
**STEP1: Creating .xpt file of a SAS dataset using Proc COPY.**
libname formats 'c:\sas\catalogs';
proc format library=formats cntlout=fmts;
***Transport file of SAS formats;**
libname fmt2spss xport 'c:\sas\fmts.xpt';
proc copy in=work out=fmt2spss;
select fmts;
***Transport file of SAS dataset.**
libname SAS 'c:\sas\data';
libname SPSS xport 'c:\sas\data\class.xpt';
proc copy in=sas out=spss;
select class;
**STEP3: Use SPSS command to convert the transport format SAS file and Formats to SPSS;**
*Use following SPSS command to convert transport format file to SPSS data;
get sas data='c:\sas\data\class.xpt' /formats='c:\sas\fmts.xpt'.
execute .
Delete observations from a SAS data set when all or most of variables has missing data
data missing;
input n1 n2 n3 n4 n5 n6 n7 n8 c1 $ c2 $ c3 $ c4 $;
1 . 1 . 1 . 1 4 a . c .
1 1 . . 2 . . 5 e . g h
1 . 1 . 3 . . 6 . . k i
1 . . . . . . . . . . .
1 . . . . . . . c . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . .
*If you want to delete observation if the data for every variable is missing then use the following code;
*Approach 1: Using the coalesce option inside the datastep;
data drop_misobs;
set missing;
if missing(coalesce(of _numeric_)) and missing(coalesce(of _character_)) then delete;
*Simple code
*This code doesn't work if we want to delete observation based on specific variables and not all of them.
*Approach 2:Using N/NMISS option inside the datastep;
data drop_missing;
set missing;
*Checks the Non missing values using ;
if n(n1, n2, n3, n4, n5, n6, n7, n8, c1, c2, c3, c4)=0 then delete;
data drop_missing;
set missing;
*Checks the missing values using nmiss option;
if nmiss(n1, n2, n3, n4, n5, n6, n7, n8, c1, c2, c3, c4)=12 then delete; *12 is the total number of variables in the dataset missing.;
*If you want to delete records based on few variables and don't want to type all the variable names in the IF-THEN clause use the following code;
*Task: Delete observations from the dataset if all variables in the dataset except (N1 and C1) has missing data;
proc contents data=missing out=contents(keep=memname name);
*Create a macro variable names with list of variable names in the dataset;
proc sql;
select distinct name into:names separated by ','
from contents(where=(upcase(name) ^in ('N1','C1'))) where memname='MISSING'; *Excluding 2 variables in the dataset;
data remove_missing;
set missing;
if n(&names) lt 1 then delete;
Saturday, July 10, 2010
Diffrence Between RUN and QUIT statements
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Sending the LOG and OUTPUT from PC SAS to a seperate file
Approach 1: Using Display Manager Statements;
filename log 'C:\temp\logfile.log';
filename out 'C:\temp\output.lst';
*Select only male students and age less than 16;
proc sql;
create table males as
select age, height, weight
from sashelp.class
where sex='M' and age lt 16
order by age;
*Get the descriptive statistics for height variable by age;
proc means data=males ;
by age;
var height;
output out=htstats mean=mean n=n std=sd median=med min=min max=max;
Information about Display Manager Commands:
DEXPORT and DIMPORT: DISPLAY MANAGER commands used to IMPORT and EXPORT the Tab delimited (Excel and .CSV) files;
SAS Display Manager Commands
Approach 2: Using Proc PRINTTO procedure;
Refer: How to save the log file or what is PROC PRINTTO procedure
Sunday, May 9, 2010
Random Sample Selection
Approach 1:
Data step Approach: In this approach, the observations are shuffled using the RANUNI function which assigns a random number to each observation.
Step1: Generating the Random Vector (shuffling) using the RANUNI function;
The RANUNI function generates a random number from a continuous uniform distribution (the interval (0, 1).
Step2: After assigning a random number to each record, the records can then be sorted in ascending or descending order of the random numbers.;
Proc SQL Approach:
In this approach also, the observations are shuffled using the RANUNI function which assigns a random number to each observation.
The value generated by the RANUNI function depends on a seed. The seed should be a non-negative integer from 1 to 2,147,483,646 in order to replicate the results of the RANUNI function. That is, given the same seed, the function produces the same result. If no seed, zero, or negative integers are specified as the seed, the computer clock sets the seed and results are not replicable.
Source: SESUG-2000 (P-404).pdf on Random Sample Selection by Imelda C. Go, Richland County School District One, Columbia, SC
If you use a positive number as a seed then you can replicate the random sample records as long as you don’t change the seed number. If you use the negative number (as in the above programs) you can’t replicate the records. Every time you submit the program random samples generated will be different.
Monday, April 26, 2010
WARNING: You may have unbalanced quotation marks.
To make it more clearly I am going to show an example.
I want to add a 263 characters long name to a variable (longvar) and to do that I will simply use a data step… and when I do that I will see the WARNING message in Log.
data TEST;
put x;
There is a SAS option (NOQUOTELENMAX) which will take care of the WARNING message.
Options noQuoteLenMax; *Just before the Data step;
Don’t forget to change back to Options QuoteLenMax; after the end of the Data step.
Options noQuoteLenMax;
Saturday, April 17, 2010
CALL EXECUTE: Easy way to print or sort multiple files.
Proc print; var _all_; run;
Proc print data=libref.conmed; var _all_; run;
Proc print data=libref.demog; var _all_; run;
Proc print data=libref.lab; var _all_; run;
Proc print data=libref.medhist; var _all_; run;
If you are like me who likes to simplify the traditional SAS code here is the tip. CALL EXECUTE comes to rescue here.
*Using Disctionary Tables and Call Execute;
proc sql;
create table dsn as select distinct memname from dictionary.tables
where libname="LIBREF" and memtype="DATA";
*Sorts all the datasets using Call Execute;
data _null_;
set dsn;
call execute ("proc sort data=final.||'memname||';by usubjid; run;");
*Prints all the datasets using Call Execute;
data _null_;
set dsn;
call execute ("proc print data=final.||'trim(memname)||';var _all_; run;");
*Using Proc Contents and Call Execute;
proc contents data=libref._all_ out=contents(keep=memname);
*Create a macro variable memname with list of all the datasets;
proc sql;
select distinct memname into:memname from contents;
%put memname;
*Sorts all the datasets using Call Execute;
data _null_;
set dsn;
call execute ("proc sort data=libref.||'trim(memname)||';by usubjid; run;");
*Prints all the datasets using Call Execute;
data _null_;
set dsn;
call execute ("proc print data=libref.||'trim(memname)||';var _all_; run;");
*Using SASHELP Views and Call Execute to sort the dataset by usubjid;
*Sorts all the datasets using Call Execute;
data _null_;
set sashelp.vtable (where=(libname="LIBREF"));
call execute("proc sort data=libref.||'trim(memname)||';by usubjid;run;");
*Prints all the datasets using Call Execute;
data _null_;
set sashelp.vtable (where=(libname="LIBREF"));
call execute("proc print data=libref.||'trim(memname)||';by _all_;run;");
*If you are not printing/sorting all the datasets in the library here is code for that.The Following code only prints 4 datasets (AE, Conmed, Demog , Lab and Medhist);
data _null_;
do dsname='ae', 'conmed', 'demog', 'lab', 'medhist';
call execute("Proc print data=libref.||'trim(dsname))||'; var _all_; run;");
Saturday, April 10, 2010
Write a Letter using SAS/ Emailing with SAS
Writing a letter:
filename formltr 'C:\Documents and Settings\sreddy\Desktop\formltr.rtf';
data address;
infile datalines;
input @ 1 stno
@ 6 lane $12.
@19 aptno $7.
@27 city $9.
@37 state $2.
@40 zip ;
2550 Augusta Blvd Apt#203 Fairfield OH 45014
data _null_;
retain lm 5;
set address;
file formltr;* print notitles;
put _page_;
adr1 = trim(stno) ' ' trim(lane);
put @lm adr1;
adr2 = trim(aptno);
put @lm adr2;
adr3 = trim(city) ||', '|| trim(state) ||' '|| trim(zip);
put @lm adr3;
adr4 = trim('Dear')|| ' ' ||trim('SAS') || ' ' || trim('Users,');
put / @lm adr4;
put / @lm 'StudySAS Blog offers a lot of information regarding tips and tutorials on various topics ' ;
put @lm 'in SAS. It covers basics to get started to more in-depth topics like Macros and Proc SQL.';
put @lm 'It is a great site to browse to help broaden and deepen your SAS knowledge in a variety';
put @lm 'of areas.';
put / @lm 'Thanks for visiting StudySAS Blog. ';
put //// @lm 'Sarath Annapareddy';
- lm: represents left margin
- / : forward slash symbol ( / ) skips a line.
- If you want to skip ‘N’ number of lines use ‘N’ number of flashes after the PUT statement.
- The trim function and concatenation operator (||) are important here because without these you will get extra spaces which we probably don't want see in our letter.
Emailing with SAS
How to send an email using SAS:
filename mymail email subject="Sending Email using SAS"' attach="C:\Documents and Settings\sreddy\Desktop\formltr.rtf";
data _null_;
file mymail;
put 'Hello there, Please review the attached letter.';
put 'Thanks,';
put 'Sarath';
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