SAS System Options in the UNIX environment
SAS System Options in the UNIX environment Direct link: Question: How do I specify SAS system options in the UNIX environment? Answer: How you specify SAS system options depends on how you use SAS in the UNIX environment. If you use SAS via an X-terminal or X-terminal emulation software such as Exodus or MacX, the command to launch SAS on ITS UNIX systems is /usr/local/sas/sas SAS system options are preceded by a hyphen and immediately follow the SAS command. For example, if you want to have SAS write its work files (including temporary datasets) to a directory called "mysasdir" located one level below your own current working directory, the syntax for invoking this option would be: /usr/local/sas/sas -work ./mysasdir If you use the SAS display manager system via a vt100 terminal interface such as telnet, the usual command to launch SAS is: /usr/local/sas/sas -fsd ascii.vt100 The -fsd portion of this command is a SAS opt...