Short Code Samples
The SELECT Loop Multiple IF statements in a DATA Step can be replaced with the more efficient SELECT Loop. If you would normally write:
if region=' South ' then quarter=4;
else if region=' North ' then quarter=3;
else if region=' East ' then quarter=2;
else quarter=1;
You can accomplish the same thing with the SELECT Loop in a DATA Step:
select (region);
when (' South ') quarter=4;
when (' North ') quarter=3;
when (' East ') quarter=2;
otherwise quarter=1;
end ;
2) IFC and IFN functions:new IF functions:
IFN(condition, true-numeric-value, false-numeric-value, missing-numeric-value):IFN returns a numeric value. It returns the true, false or missing value depending on whether the condition is true, false or missing.
IFC(condition, true-character-value, false-character-value, missing-character-value):IFC returns a character value. It returns the true, fals...